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A member registered Feb 21, 2020

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Congrats Joure!  It has been great watching PWG evolve, and looking foreword to watch PWG continue to grow.  You take pride in your work, value both suggestions and criticism, are dedicated, and most importantly, the excellent values your daughter has gotten to experience with you.  No doubt Play With Gilbert Remake will have cemented it's place as the entry open world PC game for children, teaching them the essential hand eye coordination of  WASD/Mouse controls! (or gamepad, of course)   

(2 edits)

@GalaxyBlast63 Thank you. A really useful tool, but unfortunately it doesn't appear it is coming up with any errors. I still have the same error.  I have been trying to research EADDRINUSE.  It seems like there may be a port conflict, but I don't know what to do to even test that theory. 

EDIT: I also turned off windows defender and ran in safe mode yielding same error

EDIT 2:  EADDRINUSE stands for Error ADDRess IN USE

I found an error in Event Viewer and followed a guide having to do with "local activation"  but unfortunately this did not help, but maybe it will help someone else.

I am having the same problem. Have you got it working?